Beauty Craft Sissi - Creates different kind of the handmade crafts - Painting on Glassware, Nylon Stocking Flowers, Paper Quilling Picture Frames and Origami 3D.

The handmade crafts have their unique charm for each creative product. They provide a harmonious, quiet and thoughtful environment for the whole year and you are always surrounded with beautiful things regardless weather, four seasons or times of the day.

Therefore, the "Beauty Craft Sissi" creates different kind of the handmade crafts such as painting on glassware, nylon stocking flowers and paper quilling as a distinct ornament to your place.

Thank you for visiting our web site and hope that you are interested in our products. We look forward to receive your feedback and suggestion.
All these nice hand painted glassware make wonderful accessories for your special home decoration, great for entertaining your guests and perfect unique gifts for most occasion as well.
The art of paper quilling or filigree or also is called art paper roll is a unique type of craft, showing the wonderful creation of human hands and minds. From the tiny multi-colored paper, cut and rolled up, then arranged into the desired shape and pasted on the background of different materials to create diverse products, beautiful and rich.

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